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Spine Holder navigation

Large Spine holder including navigations pin for large lumbar Spine L1-Sacrum
CHF 259.30
  • PR1608.30

  • Orientationneutral
  • Model Typeintact
  • DimensionsLength: 294mm. Width: 204mm. Height: 170mm
  • MaterialVarious materials
  • DeliveryReady to ship within 25 working days

Spine Holder

Large Spine holder for large lumbar Spine L1-Sacrum
CHF 235.70
  • PR1232.30

  • Orientationneutral
  • Model Typeintact
  • Dimensions294 x 204 x 170mm
  • MaterialVarious materials
  • DeliveryReady to ship within 15 working days

Spine Holder insert w/ cranial plate

Spine holder insert with cranial plate and pins
CHF 1'115.35
  • PR1608.10

  • Orientationneutral
  • Model Typeintact
  • DimensionsLength: 262mm. Width: 140mm. Height: 113mm
  • MaterialPolyamide
  • DeliveryReady to ship within 15 working days

Spine Holder insert

Spine holder insert for navigation
CHF 974.95
  • PR1608.15

  • Orientationneutral
  • Model Typeintact
  • DimensionsLength: 250mm. Width: 82mm. Height: 83mm
  • MaterialPolyamide
  • DeliveryReady to ship within 15 working days